Update software on F5 BigIP
A checklist for updating firmware in F5 BigIP
- Import the iso image on the F5 appliance and start the import process on the drive.
Importing the iso just imports the iso to bigip and doesn’t do anything else. Performing it first can save time.
- Download the UCS files and save it locally.
- Take the note of the license key details. (You don’t need to input add-on license key on the registration)
- Make sure the ISO import is completed and then re-activate the license key (takes almost 2-3 minutes)
- Verify the service check date on the F5
tmsh show /sys license | grep "Service"
- Look all the state is ready for software upgrade
tmsh show /sys mcp-state
- To verify F5 is ready for software without any interruption
load sys config verify
- To display all the required and dameon are running in F5
tmsh show sys service all
Once all the verification has been completed:
- Install the imported ISO in the inactive partition
Installing might take a bit of time. Since the installation is taking place in the inactive partition it should not affect traffic.
- Change the boot location to the upgraded partition
During the changing of the software upgrade, it’s normal to receive – Internal Server Error when it takes too long on the idle software upgrade page. (Takes around 15-20 minutes) For few minutes, the state of the instance will be OFFLINE even when it’s login. It’s normal.
- NAT back the traffic to the VIP of the F5 BIG-IP and look over the event logs whether request is coming through F5 or not.
firmware update