

1. Clone

Clone a Git repository from a remote source to your local machine.

git clone repository_url

2. Init

Initialize a new Git repository for a project or reinitialize an existing one.

git init

3. Add

Stage changes for the next commit by adding modified or new files.

git add file_name

4. Commit

Save staged changes to the local repository with a descriptive commit message.

git commit -m "Your commit message"

5. Status

View the status of your working directory and see changes that need to be committed.

git status

6. Diff

Display the differences between various states, such as commits and the working tree.

git diff

7. Log

View a chronological log of commits with their hashes, authors, dates, and messages.

git log

8. Branch

Manage branches in your Git repository - list, create, or delete branches.

git branch branch_name

9. Checkout

Move between branches or restore files to a previous state.

git checkout branch_name

10. Merge

Combine changes from different branches into the current branch.

git merge branch_name

11. Remote

Configure connections to remote repositories where your code is stored.

git remote add origin repository_url

12. Fetch

Retrieve changes from a remote repository without merging them into your working directory.

git fetch origin

13. Pull

Fetch changes from a remote repository and integrate them into your current branch.

git pull origin branch_name

14. Push

Send your committed changes to a remote repository.

git push origin branch_name

15. Reset

Unstage changes or move the current branch to a specific commit.

git reset commit_hash

16. Revert

Reverse the changes introduced by a specific commit by creating a new commit.

git revert commit_hash

17. Tag

Mark specific commits as releases by creating lightweight or annotated tags.

git tag -a v1.0 -m "Release version 1.0"

18. Cherry-Pick

Select and apply specific commits from one branch to another.

git cherry-pick commit_hash

19. Stash

Temporarily save changes that are not ready to be committed.

git stash save "Your stash message"

20. Help

Access Git’s built-in documentation to get information about Git commands.

git help command_name