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👋 Hello, I am Suhesh Kasti

🔒😊💻 Your friendly neighbourhood Hackerman 🌐🛡️
Come on with me on my exciting journey towards understanding technology, learning IT and having some cyber-fun along the way!
CV for CyberSecurity CV for Devops
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Current Courses I am involved in….

I am actively expanding my expertise by continuous learning in the fascinating world of cybersecurity. Courses provide structured way of learning, making the learning process seamless.

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Practical Knowledge is important…

I think practical khowledge is of utmost importance when it comes to technology. These are the technologies I am currently invested in honing my skills in this domain.

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My current project …

Being in the last year of my Bachelors studies, I am creating a Web Scrapper for my project with Cybersecurity in mind. These are the objectives of that project:

  • Create a smart web scraper, CyberHarvestor, to gather and analyze information about online threats from various sources.
  • Improve CyberHarvestor to keep an eye on the dark web, spotting potential cyber dangers early and helping to defend against them.
  • Build a feature that scans for the latest security issues in software, keeping organizations informed about potential vulnerabilities.
  • Automate the extraction of relevant details from public sources to assist in responding quickly to security incidents.
View the project in Github

My Tech Arsenal

These are the technologies I have exposure to…

Python is a very versatile programming language. I think for a cybersecurity practitioner, python can be very helpful for automating task and scripting various tools.


Programming Language

When it comes to operating systems, I think Linux is the foundational operating system crucial for cybersecurity practitioners. Its robust security features and open-source nature make it an essential tool for professionals in the field.


Operating System

Git is a powerful version control system widely used in cybersecurity for tracking changes in source code during collaborative development. Its efficiency and flexibility enhance code management and collaboration.


Version Control System

Docker facilitates containerization, allowing cybersecurity experts to deploy and isolate applications efficiently. Its lightweight and scalable containers streamline the development and deployment of secure applications. I also use it to setup labs for practise.



SQL, or Structured Query Language, is fundamental for managing and manipulating databases. In cybersecurity, understanding SQL is essential for handling and securing databases, a critical aspect of protecting sensitive information. How can I protect something I dont know..right?



Figma is a collaborative design tool and although its not a security tool I use it to make some creative designs. For developers though its collaborative features make it an excellent choice for designing secure and user-friendly applications.



Windows is by far the most widely used operating system in both personal and enterprise environments. So windows is most of the time the victim of cyberattacks. Understanding windows I think is understanding the incident.


Operating System

Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration platform used for managing and scaling containerized applications. Although not entirely a cybersecurity tool, understanding Kubernetes can help understand the development workflows.



Burpsuite is a popular tool for web application penetration testing. Its features for analyzing and identifying security vulnerabilities in web applications make it an indispensable tool for ethical hackers and security professionals.


Webapp pentesting

Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer widely used in cybersecurity for capturing and analyzing network traffic. It helps cybersecurity professionals identify and troubleshoot network issues and detect potential security threats.


Computer Netwoking

Microsoft Office is a suite of productivity tools used in various professional domains, including cybersecurity. Its applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are essential for creating, analyzing, and presenting reports.
Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office

Office Suites

While being a totally technical domain effective communication is a critical soft skill in cybersecurity. Nothing much to say, as social engineering is the most successful hacking technique to ever exist.


Soft skills